The first day of the battle features a desperate defence of the small empire town of Ristedt against an enormous Orc Horde led by Azhag the Slaughterer.
The Elves and Empire troops form a protective ring around the town of Ristedt, to allow the townsfolk time to evacuate and reach the safety of Wolfenburg. Elf Archers and bolt throwers form the first rank, calmly preparing themselves behind improvised barricades. Behind them are ranks of spearmen and halberdiers from the city.
The road to the north is overlooked by more bolt throwers while the road itself has been blocked with more archers and spears while flagellants and a steam tank guard the entrance to the town.
As the defenders ready themselves to fight, refugees flee the town, crossing the river Eiskalt, on the road to the city of Wolfenburg, hoping the strong city walls can offer protection against the horde.
Azhag's horde is enormous. Goblins and giants lead the attack, the former pushed forward by ranks of bloodthirsty Orcs. Bringing up the rear are the fearsome Boar Riders and Goblins riding wolves and in chariots.
A small force of wolf riders and chariots bound down the North Road to the town.
Under Azhag's sorcerous guidance the orc advance is steady; Giants march forward confidently while the bulk of the hoard follows. Orc magic disorients the Elf bolt thrower crew in the front line and they hastily withdraw toward the town.
As the Orcs approach the defenders unleash a hail of fire. One giant is driven back and grievously injured. The steam tank cranks and hisses as it moves forward to fill the gap left by the High Elf Bolt Throwers, adding more fire the to barrage.
Now the first units of the Orc Army rush forward. Goblin chariots crash through the barricades slaying Elf Archers and on into the spearmen behind them. The Giant, angry and confused ignores the orders of the Orc heroes and runs forward to jump up and down on the second unit of archers.
Reeling from this initial shock, the discipline of the defenders takes over. Elf spearmen and Human halberdiers counter attack, but they underestimate the ferocity of their opponents, and are cut down.
Meanwhile the Empire knights move forward to stop the approaching horde, and the Elf reaver knights attack up the north road, cutting down surprised Goblin wolf riders, and charging on into the horde where they cause considerable confusion, running down panicked goblins who flee before them.
The Orcs now send their mighty boar riders forward, and they smash into the Empire knights and ride them down. Confident of their imminent victory the Boar Riders, supported by a mighty hero atop a wyvern and another on a chariot, push on into the last of the Empire Knights, the knightly orders of the Blazing Sun and Knights Panther. But these knights are prepared for the onslaught, and stop their charge cold, killing many boar riders.
The defenders lines are crumbling. On the North road Orc Boar Riders have smashed through the remaining Elf infantry and press on toward the town. The Empire forces now pull back to the outskirts of the town to make a final stand.
The fighting at the north entrance to the town is fierce, but despite repeated attempts by Orc Boar riders and Orc heroes, they are unable to destroy the Empire Steam tank that blocks their approach and peppers them with shot.
The Empire hold the town for more precious minutes. At the East entrance of the town the last of the Knights Panther are dragged from their saddles by the Orcs, but concentrated fire from a well placed Hellblaster cannon force the Orcs from the town, time and time again. Finally only the Flagellants are left, defending the Church of Sigmar. They are crushed by mighty Orc magic, stung by venomous spiders and then finally charged by the ferocious Black Orcs.
After 9 valiant turns of defence, the Orcs finally overwhelm the defenders and seize the town to claim victory.
Editors Note: This game was about as close as it could be. The Orcs had three chances to lose the game (on a roll of 1 or 2 at the start of turns 7,8 and 9) but luck favoured them. The Orcs won on the 9th and final turn of the game - had they not destroyed the flagellants when they did, the Empire would have won.
In terms of stand-out-units, the Empire Steam Tank was wonderful in defence, it's sturdy armour repelled all attacks against it. It was the right thing, in the right place, to deny the Orcs one of the entrances to the town. The High Elf Reaver Knights caused immense damage to the Orc and Goblin infantry, holding them up for several turns.
For the Orcs, the Giants did an amazing job of taking immense punishment and then punching on through the first line of defence. A special mention also must go to the Spider Riders (aka Wolf Riders) managed to outperform their diminutive statistics and slay Empire knights with ease.